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Prayer Page

Prayers for the week 16 February 2025


Ever present God, help us to hear your whisper within the great roar of this world and know your presence in our lives, so that our words would carry your healing into places of pain, our actions reveal your love at times of loss, and our presence invite your grace as we encounter your grace in others. (based on a prayer by Liam Dacre-Davis from the MPH 2024/25)


LGBT+ Month


Life-giving God, in you we live and move and have our being. We thank you that you made each one of us unique, in your own image, as your beloved child. We trust that you love us for all that we are, and all that we can be, through the grace of the Spirit and the example of Jesus. Help us to glorify you, by living more fully in that knowledge - for ourselves, for everyone you entrust to our care, and everyone with whom we struggle to live in harmony. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who came to live among us so we might live more abundantly. Amen

This prayer was written by Kieran Bohan, a student presbyter at The Queen’s Foundation, Birmingham and director of the Open Table Network


Poverty and Hidden Hardship issues


Give thanks for the many initiatives local churches are involved in to help those experiencing poverty; for those involved in Foodbanks, CAP money courses, Warm Space hubs and those who give generously to charities and campaigns which target poverty. Pray for all those who are experiencing poverty, particularly those with young families and those pushed into poverty by rising food and energy costs. May they find the help and support they need; may those in power implement policies to alleviate poverty with compassion. 




We pray for the people of Ukraine, 3 years on from when their land was invaded. We pray that they might remain strong and resilient despite the hardships they continue to endure. We pray for a pathway for peace to emerge and an end to this terrible war.

We give thanks that the fragile peace in Israel-Gaza is so far holding and that captives are being released. We pray that this may continue to be the case and that the unexpected intervention and suggestions about the future of the region by President Trump will not destabilise the process. 

May the Spirit of peace convict the hearts of those pressing the buttons of war to look for peaceful ways to sort things out instead and may the rest of the world governments press them to do so rather than staying silent.




We pray for those taking part in services on Sunday 16th February – the preachers, vestry stewards, meet and greeters, technicians, cleaners, readers, coffee makers or anyone taking part or with any sort of responsibility at all. Pray that God’s presence and love will be made known and that there will be a sense of celebration and meaningful fellowship. 


We pray for each of our churches this week that the various fellowship groups, prayer meetings and study groups will encourage a depth of spiritual input which will inspire growth, mission and a sense of belonging. 


We pray for members of the Circuit and individual church leadership teams as they consider how best to adapt to changing times, to plan for the future and move forward. We pray that they may be granted wisdom and discern ways to put this into positive action. In particularly, in the coming week we pray for:

  1. The Circuit Stewards meeting on 17/02/25.

  2. The Holyhead Church Council and Circuit Development Committee meetings both on 19/02/24.

  3. The Circuit outing to Liverpool Cathedral and Bangor Cytun committee meeting on 20 February 2025

  4. The Renew Wellbeing first dry run practice at Holyhead on 21 February 2025


We pray for each of our churches, that the various fellowship groups, prayer meetings, study groups and other activities will encourage a depth of spiritual input which will inspire growth, mission and a sense of belonging. 


Let the door of our heart be always open to you, O Lord, that we may mark your entrance, embrace your presence, hear your voice, seek your strength and hold fast to you forever. (Paul Heath)




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